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The Bubble E1

A member registered Mar 30, 2019

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(1 edit)

Please keep making games! The Markiplier ending was so good! I hope he finds it <3

Hey NekoSounds, Im in the editing stage (my only editor got a job, it's on me now!) but I wanted to let you know that I loved your game. Literally the worst horror game? Not by a long shot! You really got me good near the end there! Good job! The markimoo secret ending (that I wasn't supposed to find... Sorry)  was really good!

Sorry I'm being so vauge! No spoilers for anyone else :) it's just really good at the end and I wanted to let you know I enjoyed it

- Maya (TheBubbleE1) 




Amazing game you guys (to Call Of The Void and LolthersArt)! Please, for the LOVE OF PINK! Make play 2!!!

Those guards are nothing against the righteous TRUTH of THE PINK!!

YouTuber: The Bubble E1


View for a SPECIAL SURPRISE and support in protecting our precious pets!

Help me, help the community, by helping them!

Youtuber: The Bubble E1

Repost edit: Thank you guys for all the support you've given the charity! You're helping to change the world! <3

Sure thing! I was going to do a part two of your other game (Dark Veer I assume was the one accidental uploaded instead) because it was so good, so I'm excited to see your newer one!

Game so scary, I knocked over my lighting! Great work! :D

Youtuber: The Bubble E1

I hope the full game comes out sometime soon. Keep me posted! :D

Anytime, can't wait to see what you do next!

HAHAHAHAHA OMG this game has the best music. When I opened the game and it started I couldn't help laughing!

That's clever! I have a friend who's developing a game with a similar concept!

I hope your project gets a good grade! If I knew it was playable I would have given it a go, maybe made it a challenge.

Are you just making this game for school or are your interested in deving?

Cute games with dark twists are one of my favorite tropes, yet this Little Devil (pun intended) gave me a FULL 360.

The music was upbeat and playful, cutesy, sweet, the characters were sweet looking and lovable, but my god was the game dark!

I have to quote the dev here (even though its stated just above):

"We want Blair and pretty colors and murder and that's exactly what this game is about!"

They weren't talking up. That's EXACTLY what this game is about!

Want to see for yourself? I'd recommend playing the game. If you'd rather not (or just want a sneak peak before the real show) check out my video below of my first game play. I will be playing every route, so subscribe for the follow up!

Hey Kainine!

I hate to say this, but I can't get the game to start. I really was looking forward to playing it but after the Unity screen it makes a noise and goes black. It might be a bug?

Let me know if it works! I do really want to play your game! <3

- Maya (TheBubbleE1)

(1 edit)

That. Was. DEEP.

Seriously, this game CALLS YOU OUT. I loved playing it and recommended it to my friends. The art was amazing, the music was chilling, and my god his voice! His VOICE. It kept me on edge. I love this game, I only wish there were more options or a path to seeing him, but perhaps that would ruin the point of the game? I applaud the developer for this game. Please keep making games like this! 

(If you're wondering why the video is in parts, it's because I played through carefully and played through it twice to find different routes! 

The overall length was over an HOUR, so I had to make parts. Sorry guys </3 )

(Edit: Typo)